Satellite Type Speakers for 2ch System

Hi All,

Familiar story - trying to help a friend who wants a diminutive sound system. Source will be MacBook pro streaming to Airport Express going into a vintage receiver (read whatever decent receiver I can get my hands on). Thinking about a sub-sat system. Very budget limited but we'll see. The NHT Super Zero 2.1 with Super 8 powered sub would probably make her happy, but for her, it's expensive at around $650 for the speakers and the sub. I think she'd like to spend no more than $400, but I may be able to get her to budge a bit if necessary (hopefully not). For only $213, monoprice has a full 5.1 system with powered sub that people on that website seem to like (we could ditch the center channel and hold onto the other satellites as replacements!). Anyone know that system? Any recommendations within the $200-$450 range?

Thanks, Peter

Showing 2 responses by loomisjohnson

i'd ditch the receiver and go with some powered speakers like audioengine a5 ($350)or swans m200 (same).
phasecorrect might have the right idea with the a2 for your space--it might be less boomy (though i'd be inclined to try both the a2 and a5 and avail yourself of the retrun policy). you can connect a sub to the a2 by plugging your unused "input" from the a2 into the input of your sub. i think you can also connect the airport express to the sub, let us know how it works out.