Well, that is new, V. important info (running two sets of speakers). Resistance in parallel is calculated by the formula Rt = R1xR2/R1+R2, where Rt is total resistance, and R1 and R2 are the resistances of each individual set of speakers. What this means is that the resistance (or more accurately, impedance) that the amp "sees" is less than that of the lower of the two sets of speakers. Can't find specs for the Sansuis but the Paradigms are 8 ohm nominal, which means that the max load the amp would be seeing is 4 ohms IF the Sansuis are 8 ohm speakers. The amp's specs are only given for 8 ohms, so its reasonable to believe that this vintage unit's power supply is not up to the task of driving a 4 ohm (or lower) load. given that the nominal impedance is likely lower at some frequencies, this could easily end up with a combined impedance of 2 ohms or less. Your amp is very likely getting very hot because you asking it to produce more current than it can safely do. NEXT STEP; BLOWN FUSES IF YOU ARE LUCKY, OR BLUE SMOKE AND TOASTED AMPLIFIER IF YOU ARE NOT.