Sansui au 2900 for dedicated 2 channel vinyl?

I just picked up an excellent Pioneer PL 570x Euro version and waiting for its arrival. I'm looking for a dedicated 2 channel amp to go with this turntable.

I love the look of the Sansui amps with the black face and silver controls and think it would match beautifully with my Pionner TT.

I haven't chose speakers yet, but anyone have experience with this amp? Not much info on the net regarding its performance. I don't need a lot of power because it's going to be in my office for my own listening pleasure.


Showing 1 response by johnss

I am using a Sansui AU-217 for an amp on my PC speakers. Sansui used a glue to hold board components in place prior to wave soldering. this glue over time usually eats through the component leads. You may want to check your unit and look for oxidized leads. Also bypass the power supply caps with film and foil units, as well as the interstage coupling caps. Amazing how nice these units can sound.
