Sanity test before you start this hobby

Because i think we might all fail miserably. Some may get carted off 😁
Oleschool, I meant my current system and particular cable brand. I keep an open mind to this. Silver/Gold/Palladium alloy by Echole is said to sound great. Very unusual alloy indeed.
Yeah, we are a little bit crazy but not insane.
I was thinking the other day.. Who would make me a custom outboard playback head tube preamp for my Nak deck? Vladimir of Lamm or Ralph of Atmasphere perhaps? No, this would not be insane, just expensive.
I hear ya , I guess part of my post was referring to some of the bizzarre and winded comments made by certain members . I believe anyone can do whatever makes them happy . Although myself included have become quite obsessive at times . Like i said it was just a joke ..😁
I had a good job, a wife, house, a car, then.....I realized I could hear the difference between power amps!
Audio is one of the many things that keep me sane. And the money I spend on it; I could do worse things with it. Besides, my mom always told me; you can't take it with you, but you could leave it for your kids to do insane things with it. 
Maybe it's about time that we form "Audioholic Anonymous" to control and understand better our addiction.