sand in speaekers

can you add sand or attabyytes

to the bottom of a speaeker.

if you have tell me model

you did it to !
thanks i am disabeled.
Merlins' have 26lbs of sand. What would probably be better or match Attabytes would be Starsound's Micro Bearings. They're tiny ball bearrings that fit uniformally together and require less space to accomplish the same task. Tweek Geek sells this product.
Von Scheikert VR-2 is a bottom load design, I have lead shot in mine. I think i put around 40 lbs in each. I bought the lead shot at Ace Hardware, i found it in the gun department. i know that you can find it on ebay and the shipping is resonable, even considering the weight.
The Monitor Audio Silver 5i's that I previously owned also had a chamber in the bottom of the cabinet. There was a plastic plug covering the opening. I used around 25# of lead shot (double bagged)in each. It tightened up the base considerably. The 25# was probably overkill.

If you do use sand, make sure that it is dry. Bagging it would probably also be good.

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