Samsung Hd841 or Toshiba 4960 modifications

Can anyone give me some impressions on these machines? I currently have a much more expensive player. I like the fact that these players are universal, physically much smaller than what I have, and cheap(!). There is a very positive post here on the stock player, but if it is that good, why aren't more people jumping on board. Is it that good? Or just good for the money?
Will you say the same thing after the Positive Feedback review comes out? I do understand where your coming from but it isn't any different than what Alex post on this forum and others. I'm a neutral party here but what's good for the gander is good for the goose!
Well, I highly doubt Positive Feedback, or any reputable audio publication is going to line up three RAM units and say how unequivocally wonderful they are- and then also how the APL is just a fricking dog not deserving of being a doorstop. If the reviewer prefers one unit over another, they will state it in some semblance of professional objective comparision.

APL is also the last company that can play the vicitm, but the post is over the top IMHO.

Oh well, they will work it out.
You must have missed some of PF's reviews. Those guys don't hold back.The surely don't candy coat like some other publications.LOL

This is what I like about them as a whole. Positive Feedback has pissed off a many of audio equipment manufactures.Basically they tell it like it is..without worrying about tip toeing through the audiophile tulips.

Maybe we are not talking about the same publication.
I have read countless PF reviews over the years.
Here is their editorial policy.

I have even talked to David Robinson a bit about various gear over the years. Fine Reviewer.

Positive Feedback has little do to with the catfight now instigated with APL. I am sure there is more to the story, but again-it does little to advance the body of info for the end user making decisions.

Frankly, I would not be inclined to spend my money at either shop these days. Doug has also ignored a basic rule.......
something about getting into fights with black furry animals with white stripes on their backs can leave you smelling like that very same animal.
What a shame! As an owner of RAM 4960, what I want to see is people in mod business keep getting better products out door and leave customers to evaluate them. Everyone with an brain can see that without and independant listener , it is unfair ,unprofessional and immoral.