Salk VS Monitor Audio

I'm hoping someone here has heard Salk Song Towers or the Song3 and also Monitor Audio floor standers.

I currently have MA Silver 8s, I like them but I caught the upgrade bug. 

I'm really intrigued by Salk's Song speakers, specifically the Song3. 

I think it could possibly be a good upgrade for a rather small difference in price. Of course, since Salk doesn't have a dealer network, one is left to rely on other's opinions when deciding whether to gamble on their products.

I am guessing that the shipping of the speakers would cost $200 or more each way. So if one doesn't like the speakers, they're possibly out of $400, or more.

Hopefully someone here can give me some insight as to whether these would be a big gamble. 

My room is 25'x16'x8'. Carpeted floor. The area behind my listening sofa opens up to a hallway. Amp is Parasound Halo integrated.

I have a small sub, but prefer to not have to use it for low bass.


Showing 3 responses by reggy

@gnostalgick did you hear the song 3's or the song 3 encores at Axpona? Curious how they hold up to the competition. 
@snapsc  @twoleftears Hey guys in terms of only sepcifications for the schiit aegir and schiit vidar amps on the Schitt website, which one could only drive the Song 3 Beats if I had to pick one. Thanks.

I think the Schitt products are pretty good for the money.
@snapsc I guess I would be listening from medium low to medium loud listening levels. I am wondering if the Aegir is alone ok or do I need mono Aegir/ or mono Vidar for lets say the Song Beats.