Salk Future TBD

Jim put up this post over on AC earlier today…;topicseen#new


Showing 1 response by jsalk

I just wanted to say "thanks" for all the kind words.  I also wanted to respond to some comments so there is no confusion.

While we are going to stop building speakers, we will still be around to provide support to our owners.  In fact, I have some ideas on what I'd like to do next in the world of audio.  It just doesn't include building speakers.

As for CSS, I have the utmost respect for Dan and Kerry.  They were here almost every day for two months working with our crew and learning about how we do things.  They never charged a penny for the work they did while here.

Did they learn anything about how we do things? Probably. But I would have shared that information with anyone who asked.  Why?  Because I started building speakers as a hobby.  At the time, I knew nothing about speaker design and even less about working with wood.

Many people helped me master those crafts, providing critical information and advice.  I've always looked at it as my responsibility to do the same for others.  So I would have shared this information with CSS regardless of their interest in the company.

This is a tough business, not applicable to the faint of heart.  So it would take a special person or persons to successfully take the reigns.  

I was approached by three parties expressing interest in taking over in the past two years.  Since CSS is here in Michigan, this was the most promising.  In the end, they just didn't feel confident they could sell enough speakers to make a go of it.  I respect their decision.

I'll be 75 this year. I can't do this forever and have a few things I have always wanted to spend more time doing.  So it seemed like a good time to move on.  

I have thoroughly enjoyed working with so many wonderful customers over the years.  Many have become good friends and I treasure those relationships. 

As we approach the finish line, I have no regrets.  We've had a wonderful 20 years building speakers and have won more awards over the years than I ever imagined possible.  And for that I am grateful.

I plan to continue involvement in the audio industry. I just won't be building any more speakers myself.

Thanks again...

- Jim