Sacramento, California

We have a variety of systems built around both planar and coil speakers. We are helpful, friendly, and informal. Please feel free to email me if interested.

Showing 4 responses by keithmundy

Hello, The Sierra Nevada Audiophile Society is having their Christmas party on December 8th in Sacramento. All interested audio nuts are welcome to attend. Contact Keith Mundy at if you would like more information and directions to the party.
I'm well aware of that as I have done a great deal of business with Audio FX and consider them to be good friends.
The Sierra Nevada Audiophile Society is alive and well in Sacramento and the outlying areas! and has been for many years now. We always welcome new members, so if you live in Sacramento or anywhere near Sac please come check out the club. Check out our new website too. There's no big commitment to join the club, just come when you can. We have a lot of great guest speakers, field trips and interesting club members.

On Saturday, 10/17/15 at 11 AM, Robert Lee, The Man behind Acoustic Zen, will be in Sacramento at one of our member's homes showing/playing his Crescendo MK2 speakers and his cables.

All are welcome to come. We are starting the presentation at 11 AM. Call Keith Mundy at (916) 416-5638 for further information - address, etc...