SACD vs. Redbook with NOS DAC

Silly question? Maybe not. I've been really enjoying the SACD format for some time. Relatively recently, I've been exposed to NOS DACs and have found there are a LOT of similarities: smoothness. They both sound like analog!!

So, now I'm at a point where I'm considering dumping my SACDP for a computer-based system with NOS/filterless DAC. I was just wondering if others have gone this very same route and have thoughts to share?

Showing 4 responses by paulfolbrecht

Well, Pawlowski6132, there are a lot of folks that disagree with you.

If you're taking a "technology" view of audio you should be very happy with an iPod.
Well, I don't know. You could argue that NOS done right IS new technology. I mean, nobody was building DACs like this 15 years ago! Just because upsampling came later than the original (default) NOS route doesn't mean it's superior.

Have you heard one of these newer-breed NOS/filterless DACs? I'm telling you, it sounds like analog. I sounds like vinyl. I am not kidding. No, not just as good as the best vinyl, of course, but really good, and analog in a very similar way to good SACD!

I too find it ironic that the path to "vinyl goodness" can be had both by tons of information (DSD) and good 'ole 16bit/44Khz with a really simple DAC.
Yeah, unfortunately double-use of the acronym here. ;-}

Best NOS DAC I've heard is AudioNote. Unfortunately, this was a $21K front-end with the transport. About 10x above my budget. But they all have the same basic characteristics - smoothness. Very very non-fatiguing and analog-like.