sacd sound with msb link dac 3

in sacd setups ,are you just using dac in the player or can you hook these to external dacs like the msb link dac 3? and if you are only two channel ,do you buy a 2 channell sacd or multi channel player? and do you just hook up fronts? and what is a good player to start with under 500.00
There are essentially no external sacd dacs at least not in this price range (and only a couple at any price--copy protection worries keep companies from putting digital sacd out's on machines so far). You have to for now use internal dacs for sacd. You can hook up just fronts in multi-channel since you can instruct player to play 2 channel layer on a multi-channel cd player. Sony makes something under 500. I have a Pioneer 563A that plays sacd and dvda for around $140--it does have external hookups for cds, the sacd sound isnt class A, but it's good and it's cheap and there is still so little sacd software that I didnt want to spend a lot. Hope this helps.