SACD's to stay away from

For some reason this post I created last week was pulled from AG. I don't know why as nothing I was aware of broke the rules. we go again.

What SACD's have you purchased that have been a major disappointment? For the most part I am a fan of the format but there have been those discs that didn't live up to my expectations. For example:

Boston - Boston
Journey - Greatest hits
Hollywood G.Hits - Eric Kunzel (telarc)
Some pipe organ music on telarc(can't think of the title)
Deep Purple - Machine Head

Showing 1 response by siliab

Junior Brown's - Down Home Chrome on Telarc. This surprised the hell out of me. I love Junior Brown. He's one of the masters of the unexpected and can sincerely play his ass off. I also generally really like Telarc's stuff. This recording is a flat out dog. Washed out midrange, wiry highs and a soundstage that is 2ft. tall, 3 ft. wide and 2cm. deep. Sucks, sucks, sucks. In fact, unlistenable.