SACD Player

When looking for a new CD player I first considered the Classe CDP-202, since I have one of their processors and amps. But it does not support SACDs, so I looked at the Marantz SA-7S1.

Having now perused the offerings at Acoustic Sounds, I am unwilling to settle for a unit that does not include SACD multi-channel.

I am also unwilling to sacrifice superb audio.

Any suggestions?
Sony makes a very nice unit as does Marantz. I would normally suggest the Ayre C5xe in your peice range but that unit is stereo only.
Esoteric SA-60. If you want to spend more, that's possible, too. I have one and love it.
you can get a good condition esoteric X-01 excellent multi channel SACD player for about 5K on audiogon. In my opinion far superior to the EMM .I use to own the EMM and now I am very happy with the Esoteric.

Oppo convert the SACD format into CD's PCM. If SACD is important to you probably need to explore other options.