SACD Opinions: Gimmick? Like it? Don't? Why?

I would like to hear some opinions from those who have (or have heard) an SACD cdp in a quality system. I am considering it, but in the area I live its hard to get a good demonstration of it. So before I go out of my way I'm trying to figure out if I even want to bother. I guess I'm a little skeptical.

What sets it apart from regular cd sonically, if anything?

I know it has multi-channel capabilities, but how about standard 2-channel performance? Is it even intended to be used with a 2-channel system?

Does regular cd performance suffer in any way (generally) due to the presence of sacd capabilities?

If you can't really answer the questions above in an "all else equal" sense, and rather "it depends..." then what does it depend upon?
Thanks for any opinions, Jb3

Showing 1 response by ardert8915

I myself have listened to the format where I work and I have'nt heard a real good "sound" yet. I am from the old school (Carver,Hafler,Nakamichi,etc). I right now own a Pioneer Elite Changer 20 Bit, and it sounds just fine to me. I have heard a slight difference in timbre response in the SACD format, but I can't say that it is any different then anything else I have heard, to make me want to go out and spend money on it. I think if you would update the D/A converter to an external device in the 24 bit - 96/192KHz range you might come close to the sound of SACD in sound depth and appeal, the problem with this format is that it has to be a certain type or it won't play on a standard cd player at that level and it is a waste of money if the cd player at home is sacd and the one in the car is not. It has to be hybrid or it just won't play at "full throttle".

This is my opinion of course, I hope this sheds some insight.