SACD/DVD-A Anyone tried Yamaha or Integra?

In a followup to my other post on budget universal players, has anyone tried the Integra DPS 8.3 or Yamaha DVD-S2300? I look forward to your reviews. Thanks.


Showing 3 responses by socrates

I have a friend who works in a dealership carrying Integra, claims the whole Integra line, every product, to be absolute mid-fi garbage. The SACD/DVDA player is, according to him, worse then the Denon 2900, which make is pretty bad indeed, as the Denon was, according to him, essentially eaten alive by the Philips 963 on SACD and CD, and even his internal 20bit dac in the old EAD theatermaster processor was better overall on redbook. Performance is all relative, of course, and what one calls garbage, the next guy calls good enough, so don't hesitate to try the gear for yourself, as always, it's more fun that way.
Funny, I gotten the very same type of responses from Krell and Bose owners.... :)
So, one has to spend $7000 on cables and platforms for the 2900 to sound good (but not great)? Uh....right. Why not buy a TRIVISTA, Esoteric or even the EMM labs to begin with if you're going to sink that much money into hi-rez. Sorry, Flex, but you're logic escapes me on this one....