SACD and DVD-A: Apples and Oranges?

It seems to me that SACD and DVD-A are going for different markets. Comparing them, especially the question on "Which will survive?" seems fruitless. Both could survive, or neither.

SACD is aimed at correcting the problems we've had all along with CD sound. SACD provides a quality 2-channel digital source at a reasonable price. I wager that the typical $250 SACD player playing SACD's sounds as good or better than a typical $1000 CD player playing CD's. Hybrid disks provide backward compatibility. Multi-channel capability is there if desired. By reducing the entry price of a decent sounding player, SACD can bring hi-fi to the masses.

DVD-A is aimed at the thousands (or millions) of average Joe's who already have a 5.1 DVD setup. These guys are wondering why movies come in Surround Sound but music CD's are still 2-channel. The DVD music section in th local music store is growing every day. DVD-A provides a way to hear Metallica or whatever in 5.1 sound. DVD-A is off to a slow start for several reasons. The biggest problem, in my mind, is that the single-wire digital interface doesn't exist. It still takes 6 I.C.'s to hook up DVD-A to a receiver.

Seen this way, both SACD and DVD-A are good things but SACD is aimed more at the 2 channel audiophile market.


Showing 1 response by hifiho

I've got both, and my biggest hassle so far is having to reconnect sources to the SINGLE 5.1 input on my preamp/ processor. I saw an outboard switching device online recently, but for the life of me can't find it again. Any advice?

Both formats have their strong and weak points. Pink Floyd's (multichannel) Dark Side of the Moon release convinced me to purchase a SACD player. Although I've found more music to my liking on DVD-A. I've only purchased 3 SACD's vs. about 20 DVD-A titles.

Happy trails.