SACD 2 channel vs Redbook 2 Channel

Are they the same? Is one superior? Are they system dependent?

Showing 5 responses by tbg

With the possible exception of the TEAC D70 and P70 duo, I have had but one instance where cd is the better of sacd. Pink Floyd DSOTM. I have had some exception units, such as the Meitner DAC6, the Lindemann, and the Allen Wright Sony 9000 where the cd is much improved, but so was sacd.

I think the success of sacd indicates that all it criticism is off the mark. I know with my ears that sacd is substantially superior to cds.

On AA high res was split into dvd-a and sacd, because of the intensity of argument over which is superior. Out of curiosity when I got a Exemplar/Denon 2900 universal player I bought two dvd-a with music to my taste. I cannot stand them and will buy no more. I have been told that the older format, DAD, sounds superior to DVDA so I am going to try some of these Classic and AIX releases.
Durham, I think you need to try newer sacd players. I have had five sacd players since my SCD-1. Each was substantially better than the Sony. I know there are mods to the SCD-1 which can substantially improve it also.
In my experience the DVD-A at best was a failed experiment, with the industry so undercutting it performance in their concern with copying as to make it unlistenable.
Mejames, The Marantz SA-1, the Lindemann d680, the EMM DAC6, the Exemplar/Denon 2900, and the A. Wright Sony 9000.

Durham, I am sorry, I thought this was about what you heard, not what you read or think. I see none of your points as really relevant even were they true.

1. SACD's poor high frequency reproduction ability

I do not know whether this has some basis, but it certainly is not true relative to what I hear.

2. Poor linear noise floor throughout the audible range and beyond

Again, not to the hearing even if true.

3. Future potential

I do not know where you get the 96 kHz limit on sacds. There is no future beyond 4 or 5 years for any of the digital formats.

4. Current lack of sound quality improvements over Redbook

I thought you said no one had dealt with any of these?

5. Lack of good software

I hope the rate of releases slows up. Buying ten or twenty a month is expensive
Durham: Having been through the LP revolution and the cd revolution, I expect that I never thought the hype for either DVD-A or SACD would hold true. My other comments merely center on my not thinking theoretical criticism of the format has anything to do with its sound. At one time there was an article saying sacd could not work?? I hear what I hear, that is all that matters to me.
I cannot conceive of what benefit there is in this conversation. There is no technical discussion even were the posters informed that negates the clear superiority of sacd in most instances. The new XRCD24s are clearly competitive with sacd, however.