Showing 4 responses by mulveling

I’m sure everything you guys have ever enjoyed would pass great scrutiny for never harming anyone anywhere along their supply chains 🙄

Get off your high horses. Some of us just want to buy tubes to bring some musical joy into our lives. It doesn’t need to be sensationalized as a matter of good vs. evil. We just want some damn tubes. These ADHD boycotts are out of control and they never achieve anything (except to further divide us).

You can hop on Reddit and watch Chinese factory deaths for days on end. Hope y’all toss out your smartphones and stop buying all those other Chinese made wares (which I guarantee you have), because you know, people are dying!

Personally, I enjoy the tubes I have. I'll be buying more tubes, and some of these will be Russian. I'll continue enjoying my tube-powered tunes and sleep great at night!

I don’t think you will simply be able to buy Russian tubes from other countries, as customs is likely to reject them due to the embargo. Cuban cigars ring a bell?

I think this all will also have an impact on NOS prices...

Interesting times.

It’s not an full-bore embargo yet; this was a retaliatory export ban by Russia on a list of goods that includes vacuum tubes. Here are the points for optimism:

  • Peace talks could bear fruit and de-escalate this situation
  • Everyone is holding their Russian tubes tight right now, waiting to see what happens. There will be a period of panic (now). But there should be a lot of this product already on our shores. Folks with amps designed for KT150 or KT170 tubes (only recently released) are in the toughest spot.
  • Manufacturers and hobbyists have been building up stocks for the past 2 years due to the unknowns posed by covid. Companies like VAC have already announced their preparedness, and that it’s (mostly) business as usual for the foreseeable future, as far as producing new product and servicing existing amps goes. I would hope they are very careful controlling disbursement of replacement tubes - e.g. provide proof of ownership and then exchange old tubes for a new set on that amp.

And yes, I think this will put additional pressure on an already tight NOS/used vintage market, due to the loss of an affordable alternative. The big vintage power tubes above 6550 were pretty much gone anyways, though.

Nobody should feel bad about acquiring tubes for personal use in their expensive tube gear. I honestly don't care where they came from, or who gets the money. Good grief.