Rushton's DIY approach to ultrasonic record cleaning published by Positive Feedback

Over the past several months I’ve invested a fair amount of time exploring ultrasonic cleaning because I’ve fallen way too far behind in my record cleaning. With over 6000 LPs, I needed a faster way to clean than my trusted multi-step manual wet/vac cleaning process. That manual process got the best results I’ve ever found, but I was not keeping up with my collection and it is just painful to me to play a record that I’ve not cleaned.

In exploring ultrasonic cleaning, my hope was to find that I could complete multiple LPs in a single US cleaning cycle and greatly speed up my rate of cleaning records. My goals were to FIRST do no harm and then SECOND see how close I could get to the results of my manual cleaning regimen.

My past experiences with ultrasonic cleaning demonstrations were completely underwhelming. What I heard did not approach the excellence I was achieving with my multi-step wet/vac cleaning regimen.

What I’ve learned, and now apply in my new ultrasonic cleaning regimen, are multiple elements to the cleaning process that must be used in combination to achieve the best possible results. And these results have far exceeded my expectations.

I’d thought of posting here on Audiogon the summary of what I’ve learned and am now applying as my new record cleaning regimen, but the inability to post images and to apply formatting here caused me to send my summary to David Robinson at Positive Feedback who has graciously published my comments as a guest essay. Please read that essay, and then come back here to Audiogon with comments and to share your experiences:

I look forward to some further discussion and sharing of experiences.



Showing 11 responses by nkonor


Have been reading this thread and appreciate your efforts and others who have contributed.
Bought an AD in January after using Dave Burton's ; "Record Genie" service. My VPI 16.5 still works as good as when my wife bought it as a Christmas gift in 89' All my records have been cleaned at least once by it and then put in a new MoFi record sleeve and then a plastic sleeve on the jacket. Started to use only the AD. But after following this thread; I bought a delrin tube for the VPI and use RO water for a final rinse w/ the VPI. I like the result !!  Thanks.
Came across another thread this morning, where people are cleaning there records "once" with their VPI and calling it good.
As with everything in this hobby. To each his own.

Best Wishes on your Journey 

Rushton, I am very happy with using my VPI w/ delrin p/u tube for a final rinse tip that I got from this thread !!
I saw a thread about Disk flatners this morning and am interested in these as part of getting the best SQ from our disks. I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
Rushton, I too remember discussion of plate glass and oven for taking out warps. Would not try it; getter to high in those days.
Still, I am a firm believer in Flat Records. = Less Work for TT, Tonearm, Cartridge. From an engineering point of view. Hope those who started the thread will do the kind of effort that you have and share further info.

Thanks rushton 

I have used the L' Art du Son before, but never let it do its thing for 4-5 minutes. Always vacuumed right away. I did like the result until I discovered something growing in the unrefrigderated bottle?

Been using my VPI to give a final rinse with RO water from my (5) filter commercial grade machine. After putting it through my Audiodesk. Using a delrin tube. I Like the result!
Next, I am going to try using L'Art du Son and leave it on the record for 4-5 minutes before vacuuming off, then the Audiodesk and then a final rinse with RO. I got this all from this thread. I will keep you posted.

Thanks and Happy New Year!

Where do you acquire the Down with Dirty concentrate? The L' Art du Son is spendy. Also, I did not keep it refrigerated the first time I mixed it and it grew moldy in the bottle.

The delrin tube vacuums the RO water w/o a suffacant at the inner groves and Dead Vinyl better than the stock tube. Definitely quieter now.

My records have been given the best care that I knew how from the beginning.

Most only need the AD and RO rinse.
For Prized Recordings; My method is.
- L' Art du Son spread using VPI and brush; let sit for 4-5 minutes.
vacuum off; Give a rinse with RO and vacuum with delrin tube.
- Cycle through Audiodesk.
- Rinse with RO and vacuum with delrin tube.

I have a Patricia Barber " Live in Paris" that had Nasty tics and pops. Sent to Dave Burton "Record Genie" for a double cleaning with AD and KL machines. Reduced them but did not eliminate them.

My new method has removed the tics and turned the Nasty pops into slight tics. I am happy. Other prized recordings that had slight tics are CD quality quiet now including the runout grooves.

I admit that this method takes time. 20 minutes if I stay focused.Well Worth It for my prized recordings .

Thanks to Rushton for starting this post and to All that have contributed to this thread.

Best Wishes to All on this Journey.

PS - Dave has a record Flatner now and can provide this service.


Thanks for Elusive Disk info and tip on cleaning the underside of Audiodesk wiper blades.


Was your AD an original or Pro model ?  Have you tried contacting the seller or manufacturer for a discount for a new model?

I too follow Ruston's advice. The manufacturer replaced my original with a Pro model for a couple hundred. How old was your AD?
For 3-4 K, I do not think we should accept the breakdown rate of these machines. Manufacturer should take up some of the cost.  My VPI is still going strong for 26yrs. German Engineering? Maybe the word should get out a bit more.