rush hemispheres great music

I was lucky enough to come across a mint original copy of hemispheres and wow, what a great recording.  Great musicianship and songwriting, amazing drumming.  This album has to be one the greatest rock albums of all time.  It seems to me that rush is one of those rare bands that even though they were progressive and I do prefer their older music, they never sold out.  Great Music!

Showing 4 responses by harold-not-the-barrel

1. Hemispheres 2. Farewell to Kings 3. Moving Pictures = essential Rush.

It takes a book tell the best of Prog but I´ll give a clue: Alphataurus, 1973 and Banco´s Darwin! 1972, Japan Editions are superb, the original in good condition are very expensive. Good luck !
Honestly 2112 & Waves are dull, bad production. To be exact, they lost their creativity after superb Moving Pictures, one of their very finest. Tom Sawyer reaches Limelight. The pinnacle is right there. Kings, Hemispheres & Pictures defines Rush at finest. All other albums inferior in everything. Period.
Exit ...Stage Left is they best live album, of course. Great audio quality but inferior to the studio recordings. The best of compilation in fact :) This double live album made me to buy more.
Great review. Dazz ! Exit ... Stage Left really crushes their 1976 live album by much better music because they have made huge progression musically & artistically from their hard rock format (simpler music with raw energy indeed). And Permanent Waves is just dull due to bad production (sounds really lame in my system), also contains much weaker songs. They descended into Permanent Waves hence the title indeed (first digital recording defines its dullness ?). However, 1982´s Signals with true digital recording (JVC) is way better than Waves both in musically & in sound quality. Additionally, Signals has a very positive mood, however it´s their last great album. Dullness came back in 1984 with Grace Under Pressure. Period.

I will try that Japanese version of Exit... Stage Left. Thanks for advice :)