Running DCS Vivladi DIRECT?

Hey Folks,

Anybody out there who cares to comment on running the Vivaldi DAC direct  to the Power amp.

Please compare with running through your favorite preamp and elucidate the differences.

Thanks & keep enjoying our hobby!

Ag insider logo xs@2xsthekepat

Showing 3 responses by kalali

Here we go again, turning this into another preamp or no preamp thread...
george, we have heard your arguments ad nauseam. Let's not go through them one more time...., please.
“I use it on the bass but for mids and highs I use ofc copper.”

george, are you referring to the ICs or speaker cables? Just intrigued on how you route the bass and the treble separately between the components. By the way, my (limited) experience with speaker cables is consistent with your remarks about silver being a bit drier sounding than copper.
"The continued observations of "experts" who based only on specs and their biases know what other users systems sound like and which is obviously "best" is one of the mysteries of on line forums such as AudioGon"

Well said. Indeed a mystery...