Running a CD player directly into power amps,

good, deleterious, dangerous or simply stupid? Since I never listen to my tuner, and am too lazy to bother with vinyl anymore and never got that tape deck (thank God!), can I go the direct route? An "audio consultant" (a.k.a "salesperson") told me it was unthinkable because of some mismatch in the output of one and the input of the other... He was trying to sell me a preamp. Since, long ago and far away in a different audio galaxy, it was believed that the shortest signal route (all other factors being otherwise equal) would provide the best, least degraded signal, I thought, and still think for that matter, that my idea is swell. A better CD player + a better power amp + new earthshaking speakers and voilĂ ! Am I missing some great truth here?

Showing 1 response by acuujim

If you buy either a new Resolution Audio CD55 or better yet a used CD50 you will never go back to a pre amp. I run my 50 direct to my Lamm 1.1's. I have tried many different combos of high end CD players and pre amps. I'd have to spend $20K to even get close to what the Res does and it still does not do it better. Removing the pre and an extra set of interconnects from the signal path just makes a huge difference. The Resolution Audio is nice because it has a true analog dedicated pre amp in the player.