Run Thorens Run ?

The play on John Updike's Run Rabbit Run aside, I have a few questions about setting up a Thorens TT and am hoping that an appeal to the collective consciousness will provide some enlightenment.

I'm returning to vinyl after a hiatus of 15 years and have acquired a Thorens TD 150. At the moment it is without an arm, but equipped with an armboard with an oval cut for an SME tonearm.

I'm thinking about purchasing a Basik tonearm, Goldring 1012 cartridge; finally an armboard for the Basik from Technical & General. The cost of these additional parts will run about 140 GBP shipped. Does this seem like a sound idea (will for example drilling out the armboard be an issue?), or should I be looking to some other strategy?

In short: Departing from the armless Thorens deck, how would you go about things to get it decently up and running (at reasonable cost)?

Many thanks in advance for your comments...

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