Rudeness With 'net Sales

I have decided to go back to dealing with dealers I know, or can meet face to face. I have grown sick of the rudeness of sellers, in particular, and occasionally buyers when transacting over the internet. One part of me wonders if I am cutting my nose to spite my face, so to speak. But I find a pleasantly transacted deal has an effect on my enjoyment of this hobby and maybe even causes me to feel better about the equipment acquired. I am interested in how others have fared with internet transactions in this regard.

This post is probably an over-reaction to a recent discourse with two dealers on the internet whose primary focus in their correspondence in reply to my enquiries was about the consequences of me failing to meet my side of the bargain - stated so indelicately by both as to seem more like an accusation. My reaction to both was to tell them I had no interest in entering into a contract with someone who clearly was going to be unpleasant to deal with. As it happens both are connected with this site (but I will not name them).

Showing 1 response by bob_bundus

You just take the good with the bad... the good far outweighing my few unpleasant online experiences. Life in general is about tradeoffs; in this case you put up with some annoyances, but look at the $ saved compared to retail! The $/annoyance ratio still makes online trading very worthwhile at least for me. If $ weren't such an issue, as it isn't for some fortunate few, my perspective might be quite different however.
Red to specifically answer your question, the 'manners' encountered during a few of my online transactions indeed left a lot to be desired, but I've encountered worse (& better too) even in the retail shops. Overall however, I'm more satisfied with my online dealings than with retail, price notwithstanding. Just sleep on it for awhile; try to not allow the bad experiences taint everything?