Rubidium Clock

Can anyone advise whether an Esoteric Rubidium clock would improve the sound on my Esoteric X-01/D2 player? I have been told "not much since it is a one box." But the reviews have seemed to indicate that the upgrade in sound quality is quite apparent. I am aware that some upgrades are very small in their ability to be heard, others are like a whole new piece of gear.
Any advice is appreciated.

Showing 1 response by fplanner2000

I have a G-Os Rubidium clock and it makes a pretty big difference in the quality of the sound - I agree with Randy above. The amount of change you hear is system-, room-, music- and listener- dependent, however. It might be significant in your situation, or it might not be.

It IS in mine. I get a bit more depth of soundstage, air around the instruments and overall musicality with my clock. Best bet is to try to demo one and listen for yourself.