Rowland vs Rowland

Hi to all this is martinez, a great fan of Mr Rowland
i'm evaluating to change my amp (model 8 dc wich work only in dc mode with its bps9)
i would ask if someone can give me its idea about model 8 TIHC versus newest 302
i heared only one time 302 but never the m8 tihc
thanks indeed for looking and replies
ciao to all


Showing 2 responses by snook2

I just bought the Rowland model 6. Although it is 10 years old is is by far the best amp I have owned. I am driving the new Von Scweikert VR-7SE. They replaced the Manley 250's and the difference was stunning. Unbelievable deep tight bass, better mids and highs. I have them plugged into the ac and haven't used the batteries yet. Should I consider the upgrade if its possible with this Model?
Thanks audiobugged. These are the most powerful sounding amps. Your right it was an ear opening experience and have had nothing close to this control of a speaker. A major surprise