Rowland Concerto phono vs Cadence

Has anyone compared the performance of the phonostage built into the Jeff Rowland Concerto integrated with the stand-alone Rowland Cadence?

I own the Concerto, and paired with my Basis Debut, Graham arm & ZYX cart, I'm relatively satisfied. However, I think there's more to be had with a better phonostage. I just don't know if I should look outside the Rowland family.

There's a Cadence for sale here on Agon that got me thinking about this. As all Rowland pieces are, it's beautiful IMO, and would certainly match the look of my Concerto, but performance is more important than looks. However if the Cadence is in the same league with other sub $5k phonostages, it would seem to be the front-runner.

Any input or suggestions are welcome.

Showing 2 responses by geoch

The Cadence's performance was in the lowest level class in it's date about ten years back. I know three guys that compare it with the DACT (much cheaper) and after that, they sold it without a second thought. (I was one of them).
If you think for a moment, that today, even one of the more affortable units (AQVOX) can easily embarash the DACT, it is a shame to spend your money & even more pity to strangle your source for the nice looks.
Get the EINSTEIN (the small one) used for 1000 Euro (Iknow someone who upgrade for VDH THE GRAIL & sell it, so it is possible to find it also at Audiogon from time to time).
But if you want better than this, you must hear THE GRAIL.

I'm sorry for my late response. I hope is not too late.
