rowland 102 reviews? ice powered

Has anyone compared this to the well-reviewed Channel Island or Bel canto models? I was planning on trading my Opera Consonance tube amp for one of them, but I can't find any reviews of the rowland, so I don't know how it fits into the hierarchy. Appreciate it.
Hi Angaria,

I have no access to the 201. My review is based on my friend's 102.
Hi, I tried Bel & Rotel Ice 100watters. I would rate them having huge huge soundstage, dynamic & excellent imaging. Comparing to some older solid state, I would not go back there again. I am waiting for the price to go down a bit more before jumping in.
Vicdamone, you make an excellent point. Digital amps are rapidly evolving designs worth watching. Some have achieved superlative performance for the price, while others are, well. . . just superlative in an absolute sense. I am thinking in particular about the new Rowland 312 -- not a budget amp by any stretch of the imagination -- which is one of the very finest amplifiers I have ever heard.