ROTEL RSX-1056 repair

My ROTEL RSX-1056 does not produce any sound on the right channel.
Can anyone recommend any good places to get it repaired in the SF Bay area?


It seems Rotel does not have any authorized factory repair centers as does Marantz and NAD for example. Did some checking and you may want to contact L&M Electronics, Daly City, CA 415-586-1840. At their website, they claim to be able to repair Rotel components. Again though, they're not an authorized repaiir center for Rotel.

I had to send my RCD-1072 CD player back to Rotel (Reading, MA) earlier this year for repair. I have to tell you they got right on it, made the repairs and shipped it back pronto. I went through my Rotel hi-fi store who handled this for no fee. My only regret is that the unit was about 3 years old and no longer under warranty. Had to pay about $170.00 to replace the laser and drive. I was rather disappointed that these two parts didn't last that long.