Rose RS250 Streamer/Dac?

Hi--have any of you had any experience with the new Rose RS250 Streamer/Dac? Looks cool, but how does it sound?

Showing 2 responses by mbolek

I just received my 250.   Looking forward to seeing how it performs.

On paper this looks like a wonderful streamer/DAC.   I'm replacing an Evo 150 (had problems with two units and the screen randomly locking up).  Over the last couple of years had the NT-505, M10, C658 and Bluesound as previous front end devices.

Using Roon and stream with Qobuz....

Hi Daniel,

Sorry.  I no longer use Tidal.   Tried it for awhile and prefer Qobuz.

Still trying to get acclimated with all of the features.   This could be a fantastic front end.