Roon - 10 Things You Don't Know

I have been using Roon for several years and have a lifetime subscription.

When I meet fellow Audiophiles, I often ask whether they have tried various features in Roon. To my surprise, most have never used all the splendid features included with Roon. I am not sure why this is the case but it may be related to “discoverability” but there could be other factors.

For a while now I have been contemplating making a YouTube video that reveals some of these features that many seem to miss.

With today’s announcement about the next version of Roon, I am just in time with my video. Undoubtedly, I will have to follow up with another video once version 1.8 is releasd.

My video is my contribution to the Roon community. I am sure many of the experts here will know most of the things I talk about, but you may pick up a tip or two.

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Thanks for sparing me the ignominy and embarrassment of outing myself as a Roon user.  I foolishly thought that something that so elegantly enhanced and improved my listening experience was somehow worth using.  But thanks to your penetrating analysis, I realize now it’s just for wusses, and totally lame.

Interestingly enough, I ran into a hipster earlier today who explained to me (whether ironically or unironically, I can’t be sure) that real men never use the internet.  They just look at the raw binary data of their music files to determine the title, artist, label, cover art, year of recording, engineer, and sometimes even the producer’s girlfriend.

This is the lofty goal I now aspire to:  no more Roon for me.  Thanks for showing me the light!