Room treatments


i was watching YouTube vids on "the quietest room on earth" and am wondering how I might get close without screwing up the aesthetics/functionality of my room. I made skyline diffusers (24"x24") and they definitely help. I’m going to make a giant one (48"x96") and bass traps next. Anyone have more suggestions? More diffusers? Foam panels? See my profile pic for what I currently have if you want. Suggestions are appreciated!

Showing 1 response by transaudio

I think if people focus on first reflection points with some absorption, then go for bass traps, they can make some big differences in the room and improve sound tremendously.  A dead room is no good as is the reverse, hard reflection surfaces everywhere.  

One small point, getting a room right does not mean the speakers sound good.  Flawed speakers are still flawed.  They may even sound more flawed than before.  (A bass light speaker might not sound bass light in a room with serious low end resonance problems).
