Room Treatment

We have all talked about the best amp, best pre-amp and the best audio components to buy at a certain price. I would like to find out what material is the best room treatment available. Is is a hard material like a styrofoam product or an absobtive product like rubber or sponge? What has worked for you and why? Do you use fabric to hide these treatments or have you found something better? Room treatment has very little discussion. I would like to find a DIY project that can improve the overall dynamics of a very difficult room. Let me hear your comments.....

Showing 1 response by draudio

All of us have experienced corner loadind it's one of the area's that cause the most amount of pain. Try a solid brass pot on a brass chain with a nice bushy hanging plant, remember it has to be a brass pot to realy impress. Try it! See you after the holliday God Bless. doc