Room size & choosing speakers

I am new to all of this and trying to find best size speakers for a small room. I recently listened to B & W 802D's (with a McIntosh MC452 & C-50) at a local audio store & loved the sound. It is a great deal of money for me, but worth it if I can create that magic at home.

My fear is that I will be listening in a 10' x 12' room and that the speakers will overwhelm the room. I also think of the B & W 803D's (smaller, less money, not quite as full sounding), and still have the same fear.

Right now I am trying to decide between the 803D's & the 805D's with a good subwoofer (possibly Rel 328 or JL audio F112). Any thoughts or help greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by bavarian05

I have the 805D's paired with the REL R528 in a room that is 11'X15'. I have tried quite a few larger models over the past five years and I wholeheartedly agree with monitors being the best for your room size. Any floorstander is going to over power that room. The 805Ds will drive an average sized room very well, provided it is driven with quality amplification. Even if you move and increase your room size, it should still work quite well. Good luck and enjoy the research!
Just curious about your thoughts on the new Sonus Faber Olympica I.
I understand you didn't care for it, but wondering what specifically you didn't like. My dealer has not received his yet. They look gorgeous from photos, but I am guessing they will be overly warm at the expense of resolution, like other Sonus in my experience...