Room setup

My listening room is quite small, 8' wide X 13' long. I have my equipment at one of the narrow end walls, with my LP's and CD's taking up the opposite wall. I am looking for suggestions, a baseline basically, for speaker placement. My speakers are heavy, and I have a bad back, so constant movement isn't really an option. I'm more seeking guidelines for what should sound good...or maybe I need some acoustic help, traps, wall treatment, etc? The floor is fairly heavy carpet and the walls are fairly bare.
My system is thus:
Anthem MCA 20
Anthem TLP1
Vandersteen 2CeSigs
Scout with Dynavector 10X5
Denon Cd player.
Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by joey54

Check the Cardas website for their room setup guidelines. It's very helpful and informative.