Room EQ Wizard, Audio Output

I downloaded Room EQ wizard (REW), bought a microphone and set everything up. So far so good and was able to run some sweeps. I would like to run the speaker output through my regular speakers. I can only get output from the laptop, which is not a very good test. How can I connect room EQ wizard on my Mac laptop to my system. If it matters, I stream using Roon and Qobuz. Thanks for any assistance you can provide. I’m stuck.




Showing 2 responses by paullb

Thanks Erik and Neko,

Seems like an A/V receiver would do the trick - then I could hook up my speakers to it.  I think it all has to start from room EQ Wizard, can't initiate from Roon.  I'll see if I can scrounge up a receiver.

I'm finding this project to be a tad frustrating.  How do I measure my room, interpret those results, figure out which products I need and where, and then remeasure, etc.?  Do I hire a a consultant?  Do I do it all myself?

Whole lot easier to buy some fancy cables or box that supposed to scrub my electricity (though I believe they wouldn't have nearly as much impact as improving my room).

I just bought a USB C2 RJ-45 ethernet adapter which should work for my Meitner dac