Room correction in high-end system???

OK,lots of praise has been heaped on the Tact and Sigtech RCS systems, including in this months TAS. However, I believe my system is pretty high-end (at least by the "How much does your system retail for?" thread) and do not want to harm the already fine sonic charactersitics. I am generally of the mind that "less is more".

Things that concern me are:
- Putting an A/D and then D/A into my vinyl playback chain.
- Putting a lower quality D/A in place or in addition to my SF Processor 3.
- Replacing my beloved BAT VK-50SE pre with a one box DAC/ADC/RCS/PRE.

If my system were in the sub $40k retail range, I would be running to a room correction system, but am a little sceptical given my current investment. It might even be a little snobbishness. However, if I do like it better with RCS, I'd end up saving a bucket of dough.

Has anyone with a well set-up room and system tried one of these? I'd be expecially curious if Mr. Porter or some of the other vinyl fans have had one of these in their system.


Showing 5 responses by drubin

I'm wrestling with the same dilemma, though my system is more modest than yours, metaphysics. You have stated the issues very well: what happens to my analog, is the new DAC as good as the old, and I love my preamp. Dan
I know exactly what you are saying. Room correction is such a radical departure from the way I have approached building my system that I'm not sure I can handle the change. It feels like my options will be somehow more limited, I'll have fewer places to tweak and fewer areas to "blame" for the source of my dissatisfaction.
SACD is also an issue here. You would have to either bypass the DSP or do A-D on the SACD, which I think would reduce its advantages over 16/44.
Rcprince, regarding the balance of the system, my understanding is that you would correct for desired frequency response on the system as a whole, as it is. So you wouldn't need or want to change cables necessarily. Though I suppose how and why we choose the cables we do could be altered dramatically with room correction in the picture.

Also, I'm not sure flat response is the goal here. The folks at TacT seem to feel that a truly flat response would not be enjoyable. The idea is to get rid of the big variations. I have not seen the latest TAS yet, maybe REG has a different perspective.