Room correction altering soundstage

I purchased a Tact 2.0 room correction processor two months ago. after setup and listening, I really like how the processed curves tame the boomy bass, but I have lost the middle of the sound stage. Vocals for instance, which unprocessed, are centered, now come from each speaker with a disconcerting reverb effect. I suspect the delay programmed in during setup (18 ms) to be the culprit. Does anyone know if 18 ms delay between speakers is enough to produce audible effects?

Thanks in advance,

One further thought--occasionally a strong reflection near the microphone can confuse the TacT. Is the microphone set up near a large glass or mirror area or stone/brick fireplace?
Thank you all for your comments.

The setup is the classic nearly equilateral triangle with less than an inch difference in path length from each speaker to my seat.

I checked polarity, covered up first reflections (there is a brick chimney on one side), and reran the Tact setup program. This time it yielded less than 1 ms delay and the black hole between the speakers vanished. I will chalk it up to a glitch of technology...or perhaps the user thereof:)

Thanks again,

I have seen Tact's do this. A friend's setup would put 22 ms delay in one channel from measurements. We manually changed that ending up with something like 2 or 4 ms. Once we did that everything seemed right and fine. Soundstage was good at that point. Never figured out why it would do that. Thought it might be a glitch or bug in the Tact. Maybe some aspect of the room was fooling it somehow though it seems extreme. My suggestion would be set it to no delay, then maybe set it a couple or 4 ms either way to find what gives the most balanced, centered imaging and staging.

Yes, exactly this fix by ear approach is what Tact should make unnecessary. I find the units incredible in what they can do, but they do have a few quibbles now and again. IMO, anyone not using a Tact or similarly good room correction doesn't have a serious hifi rig in the modern world.