Room acoustics - yet again

I have the books and the theory of room acoustics for rectengular enclosed rooms. Any guidelines for irregular (ie partly-cathedral ceilings, multiple openings to the listening room) ? Or is it the usual measure-listen-change ? My problem is finding a reasonable starting spot and tewak from there.

Showing 3 responses by sol322

Specially with "real" world rooms (mine and yours I guess from your words) it's far more difficult to get decent sound, but at least you have the theoretical starting point. Be systematic on your approach and get a good test CD Stereophile or Chesky's.
For example in my case I have an opening instead of the left corner behind my listening position, so I know I have a bass leak and less than ideal response from there...
The further away from the rectangular closed the more you need to hone your accoustic tools in order to improve, so we're in the same boat....
Use the thirds approach get an SPL and test CD's and try to enjoy the trip. An Excel spreadsheet and plotting will also spell better the results than the plain numbers in a sheet of paper.
Hope you don't feel that alone in yuor quest