Room acoustics - yet again

I have the books and the theory of room acoustics for rectengular enclosed rooms. Any guidelines for irregular (ie partly-cathedral ceilings, multiple openings to the listening room) ? Or is it the usual measure-listen-change ? My problem is finding a reasonable starting spot and tewak from there.

Showing 3 responses by ikarus

Nomoney - yes, drapes, blinds and furniture will help enormously ! Before doing anything, wait until all furniture etc are in place. If you still have slap-echo, consider hanging stuff on the walls (I had a small oriental prayer rug one time). Actually, I found out that cathedral ceilings is actually a blessing - you don't have to worry about reflections from the ceiling too much. My problem is that my ceiling only goes half-way to the room, then drops down. This causes a placing problem for my speakers.

Thanks for the tips guys...
Yeah.. I know. I also know the feeling : 'leave the damn boxes where they are ! You can sort out pots and pans later ! Give me a hand with the speakers !' :)