Rolled off highs with unison unico: any solutions

Anybody have a problem (and hopefully a solution for)with the highs on the Unison Unico? My Unico seems rolled off in the highs: cymbels and small bells especially are way low in the mix in my system.
Here's the rest of the system:
SF concerto home
audioquest gr8 speaker cable
Sony C333es sacd/cd player
Tara labs prism interconnnects
Yes, all the rest of my system is soft on top. I'm wondering if switching the tubes (have stock inside now) will help brighten things up a bit, or perhaps switching interconnects. I"d rather not drop the speakers or cd player. Thanks all for any suggestions

Showing 1 response by mtbrider

I recommend you try the Solid Silver IC's from RS Cables($99) in place of your current Tara Labs. They work very well between my Unico and Jolida JD100. They will extend your highs, but are not bright. They do need the recommended 100 hour burn-in though. I like Mullards in my Unico, but I find that the sound of tubes you might like is a very personal have to try some to find out what suits your listening preferences.