Roksan Caspian vs Musical Fidelity A3.2 CD

To anyone with experience with both, any comments on their characteristics please? Differences & similarities? Can one substitute another? Thanks.
For what it's worth. Haven't heard the MF. However, have heard the Caspian, Sonneteer and Sugden a number of times. All three are very nice sounding players, at not a ridiculous cost. The Sonneteer is probably the best of that group, but also a little more expensive. However, when it came time for me to upgrade from my Cambridge Audio player, I auditioned all of those plus the Jupiter, and ended up w/ the new AVI Reference (very rare in US). Wanted to get the Sonneteer, liked the cool look of this player, but every time I compared, the AVI was a little more detailed and natural sounding than the Sonneteer, and both were a step ahead of the rest.
I have the Caspian cd player, also. I am impressed with it's sound. Transparent, spacious, and timbral tones are very nice, with very good bass. I have only heard a Sony XA7es, and a Mark Levinson in other systems, that are upstream from the Casian, but after reading reviews on it, helps to confirm what I feel.
On Patriia Barber, it sounds just right. It does seem to have a jitter prblem, but that may be because it has been used alot. I bought it here at Agon. I wish I had alot more money, I would be getting a Classe Cdp 10, Or an Electrocompaniet EMC 1up, hearing all the feedback about the break through in upsampling, and how that it beats sacd. I can sure live with this one, though.
Nice to hear all the good things here about it.
I heard the Caspian against a Cairn and the Audio Analogue. The Roksan just sounded more like music. Great left to right soundstage, and good depth. It's also built like a tank, although I find the transport to be a bit noisy on some discs, particularly at the beginning of the disc (because it is spinning faster there).