Roksan Caspian CDP or other for Bel Canto amp

Curious if anyone has any experience with the Caspian series of CD players- especially the newer MK2/M series. How does it compare to other CDPs in the 1-2K range?

I am considering pairing it with a fairly transparent amp (Bel Canto Evo2i)and would prefer a single box CDP that is slightly warm and full-bodied. The Roksan was recommended by the Bel Canto dealer as a good match in this price range, but unfortunately I can not demo it locally.

Any other recommendations for CDP to match with the Bel Canto integrated?
I'm also looking for a slightly warm sounding CDP to pair with a Bel Canto amp. I may be wrong, but I don't think the Roksan CD player has upsampling capabilities. Have you considered the Shanling or Jolida? If you don't mind, please keep me updated with you auditions and comments.

Good luck!

IMHO, do not let upsampling be the deciding factor in choosing your cdp. Everything else considered, and this is shared by many people, upsampling has very minimal effect to the sound as opposed other design factors such as proper power supply, ouput stage amplification, digital to analog conversion, and so on. I used to have a Cary 303/200 and the difference between with and without upsampling is very small. You have to listen for it to notice the difference and most of the time, you might not want to turn on the upsampling since it could make the treble sound harsher.

Upsampling is more of a marketing tool than anything else.