Rogue ST-100 Tube Rolling

Hi Guys, Looking for a little advice from a Rogue ST-100 owner.

I recently built a pair of Troels Gravesen Faital 3WC-15, these are very high efficiency at 97db. I am very-very happy, but the volume know barely goes past 7:30 as I listen at low to moderate levels. I think this may be an opportunity.

I have rolled the inverters to telefunken smooth plates and the gain to brimars and am very happy. The rest of my gear is a Perseus Magnum preamp and Cambridge Azur 751N streamer. Like I said, I am a happy listener but like everybody else I am itching for more.

My music preferences are a lot of acoustic guitar, piano, throw in female vocals, that whole sound. Never play very hard rock, rap nor electronica.  Don't really dig classical. I am a Jazz, softer to mid rock, folk, indie listener and as stated above, low to mid listening levels.

I was looking for someone with experience with KT77's, EL34 and 6550 and what their experience was, or maybe I am missing something else. I did try the KT88's and didn't love them, the 120's sound more natural to me.

Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.




Showing 1 response by lowrider57

I've owned two EL-34 amps. It was hard to find new production tubes that wowed me. The GL KT77s were recommended to me and they were so much more lively than EL34s. They had smooth extended highs with great dynamics, and clear open sonics. They're not tubey or coloured, but present realistic tonal qualities.

When I upgraded to an EAR Yoshino I rolled in 8 KT77s. This amp was being held back by the EL34's. Now there was clarity and realism with terrific detail in the highs.

That's my story.