Rogue Cronus Magnum or Conrad Johnson MV60SE...?

Thinking about getting new setup...which is a better? Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum or Conrad Johnson MV60SE? I know I got to buy a preamp for the CJ but in a general idea which is having better sound..? Will be driving Triangle Antal ES or ML Vantage...just don't know for sure which speakers yet...I got both speaker in hand. Thanks for any advice...
Here is my .02...

I have had several Triangle speakers, and the best sound I had was with either a CJ MV55 or a Cairn 4808. I didn't like the CJ MV60 as much in direct comparison. I still use my 4808 and Zerius in my mostly game/move room, but the sound is great, no surround - who needs it?

There is a used Cairn for $750 right now (not mine, by the way), but I think that price is a little high. No experience with Rogue.

Good luck.

Can't speak to the CJ, but the Rogue Cronus Magnum impressed me with my Von Schweikert VR-33 speakers. It was a friends borrowed unit, but it had a really great raw, live quality that I enjoyed. It wasn't the most refined of amps, but it was certainly enjoyable to listen to.

I've been on the lookout for a used one at the right price to give a further extended audition.
I will try to home audition the Rogue Cronus Magnum this weekend if possible to see how it will be...I like the fact that it is an all in one unit and fit the wallet... Anyone have any insight to the CJ Premier go with the MV60SE or ET3...don't know much about CJ and new to all of this. Thanks