Rogue Audio and Audio Research Comparisons

   Recently I've purchased a Rogue ST-100 amp and enjoying quite a bit. My personal opinion is it punches way above its price point and in my opinion has a lot of the Audio Research sonic characteristics. Curious has anyone owned both Rogue and ARC and what are your thoughts?  I'm not referring to the current Ref series but the older such as REF110, REF150 and REF75SE.  

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Showing 3 responses by gakerty

While I love Rogue and have a couple of their pieces  in my system (RP9 and Stereo 100), the best sound I've personally heard was an ARC 160(?) powering a big pair of Wilsons (was it  Alexx or Chronosonic?) at my dealer.  It was effortless and surreal, as if those mammoth imposing speakers weren't there in the room at all.  I think most would agree that ARC, generally speaking, is a step up from Rogue.  

@samzx12   Yep, the Stereo 100 does respond well to tube rolling, and I agree that the stock JJs are unimpressive sounding, and on the thin side.  I've done a fair amount of tube rolling in the ST100.   If you can find a pair of CBS 7729 tubes for gain, get them!  The 7729 as gain are probably my favorite for the ST100.  Super detailed, dynamic, completely quiet and neutral.  I have those 7729 in my phono pre right now though, they are perfect there.  Right now in the ST100 I have good old RCA 12ax7 long black plates as gain tube, CBS 7730 as driver. This combo jives well with the RP9.  Amperex "medical grade" long plates sound amazing as gain in the ST100, as does the Tungsram 12Ax7.  I did not like NOS Mullard long plates, though, they seem veiled in the treble.  Anyway, it's all about flavor, it's hard to make this amp sound bad  : )

I want the Apollo monoblocks so bad, just can't quite justify getting them right now!  I have no doubt they sound fantastic.  To me the Rogue sound is detailed, a bit muscular (for tube amps), with sweet, yet accurate not overdone treble.  My previous amp was a Parasound Halo, and my Stereo 100 has more defined bass, and less (zero) treble grain.  If the Apollos are like the Stereo 100, but better, then sign me up!  The value that Rogue provides is simply excellent taboot.  Figure within 5 years I'll have the Apollos.