Rogers LS35A - Stradivarius? Or Sentimental Hype?

I remember these from my audiophile youth and thought that they sounded quite good, if a bit thin.

In any case, I always thought they would make a nice monitor for a smaller room or bedroom, but then I am always shocked at the resale prices, especially for very good ones.

As I write, there is a pair on ebay which is already bid up to GBP 1,000 which I am pretty sure is a lot more than they cost new?!

So my question - what is so special about this monitor in its original configuration?

Do the best mini monitors today give these a good run for their money -- especially in the area of midrange magic?

If they really are so wonderful, why doesnt someone knock them off in China for a fraction of the price?

Are these really a big deal, or are collectors just being irrational?

Showing 2 responses by lacee

Still a decent mini-monitor but I bought a pair new in the early 1980's for $400.00, so used should be less .You will need a good stand so there is another couple of hundred bucks. Better to find a pair of used Vandersteen,Maggies,Meadowlark,floor standing speakers in the under $1000.00 range.
The LS3/5A at $1000. for a used pair is a rip-off when you know how much they sold for when new.That is like charging $800.00 for a used NAD 3020 of the same vintage and it too is considered a classic by many. The Japanese perhaps have cornered the market to make them rare on the used market and then sell them back to us for a huge profit aka Mac tube gear.The Rogers only performed well in small rooms and reproduced a detailed but smaller than life sized replica of instruments and sounded best with tube gear.I would check out the new Spendors first.