Rockport Technologies Series 7000 Linear Tracking Tonearm


Since Simon Yorke has left the vinyl scene, I'm searching for another
quality linear tracking tonearm for my Series 7 turntable.

I'm particularly interested in the Rockport Technologies Series 7000
Linear Tracking Tonearm.

If anyone has direct experience or would like to share their opinions
on this tonearm I would be greatly appreciative.

I'm also interested in the Kuzma Air Line tonearm, and how it would compare to the Rockport.

kind regards,


I’m convinced Rockport Technologies’ founder and chief designer Andy Payor is a genius. The engineering and quality of his products are legendary and impeccable.

I don’t have access to the Stereophile review on the Series 6000 tonearm,
but I did read Mike’s review on the System III Sirius turntable.

I got the impression that the Series 6000 tonearm being used with the Simon Yorke Series 7 turntable was problematic in the bass frequency range .

Mike states: "I had owned the Rockport Series 6000 arm, and while it was the best arm I’d ever heard above 100Hz, its less than stellar bass performance (once I’d heard the Immedia RPM2 and the Graham 2.0) forced me to switch to the unipivot designs, despite their shortcomings in other areas compared to the Rockport."

It sounds like this area was addressed with the updated Series 7000 tonearm.

If anyone owns either of these exquisite tonearms, I would be greatly appreciative if you would share your experiences.

thanks saburo for responding to my post.

kind regards,

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