Rockport Mira and Mira Monitors

Anyone listened? I listened to the Mira's, but the Monitor is apparently new. Anyone seen or heard them yet?

Really nice sounding stuff, albeit expensive as heck. Miras are $13500, the new monitor is $5800.

Just curious if there are any Rockport owners out there, or if anyone is looking purchasing.

Showing 7 responses by jc51373

I saw and heard the Mira Monitor, very nice. But I can't for get past that they just seem like they were designed for a HT application, and I don't like the stands.

They sound nice though, but to me you can do better for the $$.
thanks for the info...I may just do that, although I am not very patient. The only problem, which is a small one, is that his stuff does not have wood finishes, which in our home we prefer. But good sound can supercede aesthetix.
I may hold out for a listen to the Monitors which should be at the dealer in 3 weeks or so. These are really nice, and a very special speaker.
They are going to be in transit to certain dealers very soon. My dealer told me two to three weeks and that was over a week ago. So it should be soon. I may bring my DAC in there and give em a listen.
Ok, something I want to ad to this thread now as grow more and more serious about buying these speakers..If you were looking to create a simpler more refined system, I say simpler in the context of what I own now-a 400cx Krell, VTL Tube Preamp, B&W 805s monitor. So....If one were to want to go in the direction of say an Inegrated Amp, or a tubed based amp.integrated, what would the Rockport owners out there recommend for this? In other words, do Rockports have a particular brand of SS or Tube they pair well with?

Ultimately in a system like this, I would want midrange that is just simply sweet as sugar and lots of extension, lively and defined in the highs but not overly bright, and had the ability to go fairly loud. Although, I find myself listening to less and 'loud' music per sei, but like to know it is available to me for the occasional wild mood swing. I am not expecting a monitor of any sort to wow me with Bass, this is something I am willing to let go of-a little.
Jfz-good point, I didn't give a ton of detail. remember though these are monitors so running them with an integrated makes perfect sense. I wouldn't run an integrated on most of the other stuff Andy offers.