Rockport Avior or Magico S5

Well I am selling my Verity SarastroII and looking at the Rockport Avior or the Magico S5. From what I am hearing the Rockport's are a darker presentation than the Magico's. Both seem to have great sound stage and depth. My Sarastro's I think are more like the Magico S5's and I am thinking of going in a different direction with the system.
What do ya's think?

Showing 3 responses by joey_v

Don't agree with CTsooner regarding the Vandy 5CA. Heard them, didn't do much for me, even had Richard Vandersteen there.

Sounded good, but still didn't sound real to me.

Heard the Aviors that Phil was talking about - my dealer told me about some guy who bought the Aviors and then upgraded to the Cygnus sight unheard. Must be him... hehehe

But yes, I agree, Aviors have dense imaging on Ayre electronics. I found them a little harsh at first, but then when we switched the amps and pre to the Ayre updated "twenty", it was no longer harsh up top. I think the Aviors are great speakers and you would be happy with such.